Friday, May 25, 2007

The Waiting Game

So yeah, didn't really do much work at the lab today. The plants didn't show up till the end of the day, so I basically went in at 10, left at 10:30, came back at 2 to talk to Colette, and then put a few plants in tanks. Pretty easy day. But, that's how it goes in Biology research... lots of the time you just spend either
- sitting on your ass waiting for something to arrive
- sitting on your ass waiting for something to happen

Though, actually, I really love that aspect of biology. It mixes things up every once in a while.

But yeah, I mostly chilled out most of today--went out with a few people from the Zoology department for dinner--samantha, natalie, and camilla, which was fun. It's really weird... there's only one other guy working in this lab, and he never talks. Estrogen abounds in the UF Zoology department, I guess. Or at least the labs I'm exposed to.

But, tomorrow I'm going with some people to a little island to catch some fish for Krista's (the other grad student in the lab) experiment. Should be fun, and it makes for a good alternative to going to Disney World. A bunch of the other REU students are going to Disney World tomorrow, but i seriously, seriously don't have the money for that.

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