Thursday, May 24, 2007

More setup... and Pictures!

Didn't, couldn't start the experiment today. Samantha has some plastic plants on order, and they'll hopefully be here tomorrow--we need to put them in the tanks before we put any fish in.

So, because of that, my day in the lab was pretty short, and I was only there from about 10-2. Mostly, I labeled stuff, and took the temperature of the tanks to make sure that they didn't vary too wildly (If there's a huge difference, the fry in the warmer tanks will mature much faster). After that, though, I managed to get something that lets me upload pictures from my camera to my computer.

Without further adieu,
First, the lab. This is where I work every day, and all these tanks are for our experiment. There's another row of tanks in the room, but they're for another grad student's experiment. If you look at the top left tank, you'll see how the Choice tanks are going to work. There are two flowerpots on either side, and the pair will take one side, and the new male will take the other, allowing the female the option of changing mates.

The view outside my apartment.
Troll habitat spotted!

Anyway, that's it for today. I don't know if we'll get started tomorrow or not, I've been reading through a Master's thesis (50 pages! Shit!), because the Methods section will be pretty similar to what I have to do for my experiment. Also, Colette should make an appearance tomorrow as well.

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