Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Good Day in the Field

I'm actually pretty glad I didn't go to Disney World, now, actually. I'm not out $100~ and I think I probably had a better time out in the field today.

We went out because Krista's experiment requires more sailfin mollies, which are just found in brackish waters on the coasts of Florida. Also, Leslie (someone working in the lab next to ours) needed some feeder fish for her water snakes. So, we loaded up two university trucks, and headed out to Cedar Key, which is right on the Gulf of Mexico coast of Florida, almost directly southwest of Gainesville.

But yeah, so the entire time was spent just wading in the mud with nets in hand, catching fish. We also caught this big 3' long snake, which was pretty neat. It was funny, because someone saw it, so Chelsea, a girl in Leslie's lab, goes into hunt mode and immediately leaps for it. Oh biology nerds. And there were some dudes chilling out with their truck there too, selling boiled peanuts. Never tried them before--I give them a 7/10. Pretty good, kind of salty.

Anyway, the best part about all this?

We're going again tomorrow. Then, Monday, I'll either be working on my experiment, or going to the beach with Colette and a few others, and then to a barbecue at her house for the people in the lab.

I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow. It's a really cool marshy area near the coast.

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